
Rockstar Games Releases $450 History Book

Are you a true fan of Rockstar Games? Do you love Grand Theft Auto? Do you spend your nights roaming the desert in Red Dead Redemption? Did you love getting chased by security in Bully? Do you have a spare $450? Then your in luck!

Rockstar has released a collection of 3 books that will include its history, artwork and more. Look at it as extended liner notes. It will have everything from ads to production materials included. It will also include a DVD with even more content. This is like the books you get in the collectors edition of games, except on steroids.

Also good to note that most of these items published have not been in the public eye. So we may get some great concepts such as “could have been” Grand Theft Auto characters. Can you imagine what they came up with before they chose CJ as the main guy in San Andreas?

Is it worth the $450? That’s something I really can’t say. Personally I’m a huge fan so I see the value in it despite not being able to mentally afford it. Mentally meaning I could buy it, but I couldn’t see myself putting that much money down on 3 books. Would you bite the bullet?
