
The Best Games of 2012: Starhawk

Full Title: Starhawk
Developers: Lightbox Interactive
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Platforms: PlayStation 3
Release Date: May 8th

Starhawk is the follow up to 2007’s Warhawk, which I was a huge fan of. The game will follow on with Warhawk’s core mechanics, but this time around there will be a single-player mode included, which was scrapped in Warhawk. With the game including tower defense styles of game-play, Starhawk is said to resemble a Real-Time Strategy game played in Third-Person. One of the first RTS games I fell in love with was Herzog Zwei for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis – and the reason I loved Warhawk so much is because it reminded me of that game. So it’s clear that if you loved Warhawk (and Herzog Zwei for that matter) you’ll absolutely adore Starhawk.

The game also includes flying mechs. A player can respawn into a landing craft which they can steer with in a limited range to reach the battle field. There are also 32 player online battles. Starhawk also has a co-operative survival mode.

I think it’s safe to say that Starhawk will go down as one of the most slept on games in 2012.


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