
Skyrim 1.9 Update Brings Legendary Difficulty

Starting today on the Xbox 360 and PS3 you can update Skyrim to version 1.9 which brings in some new features and a boat load of bug fixes.

One of the main features of 1.9 is the new Legendary difficulty, additionally when you max out a skill you can now reset its value, effectively removing the level cap in the game.

  • Legendary difficulty setting
  • Legendary Skills – Skills of 100 can be made Legendary. This will reset the skill to 15, return its Perks and allow the skill to affect leveling again. This effectively removes the overall level cap.

You can check out the full list of bug fixes over at the Bethesda Blog but for now I’ll list off a few of the more amusing bugs that are fixed in the patch.

  • Fixed rare instance of couriers who would appear only dressed in a hat
  • Fixed a rare issue where player could become stuck in Night Mother’s coffin during “Death Incarnate”

It is good that 1.9 is finally making its way to the consoles a few weeks after the PC version got it, although that just means that console players got to spend some extra time with their naked couriers. Hopefully the new difficulty level will encourage some people to go back and play through it one more time. Here’s hoping The Elder Scrolls VI is not too far away on next gen consoles.