The Koalition: Gaming, TV, Movies and Comic talk

We talk about Video Games and entertainment.

Will Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Be The Best EA Star Wars Game? - The Co-op Podcast 291


Todays cast: Richard Bailey, Gary Swaby & Dana Abercrombie


Today's topics:
- PSN ID name changes are now live
- Dana talks about Samurai Shodown
- Actress confirms Horizon Zero Dawn 2 is in development?
- Watch Dogs 3 reportedly set to take place in London
- The drama behind the Dragon Age 4 reboot & Gary’s article
- Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Categories | Gaming


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 52.81MB - Duration: 1:32:18 m (80 kbps 32000 Hz)

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