The Koalition: Gaming, TV, Movies and Comic talk

We talk about Video Games and entertainment.

Does the Xbox Brand Have More Reach than PlayStation? - The Co-op Podcast Ep. 301


In the return of the The Co-op Podcast, Gary Swaby and Richard Bailey Jr. are joined by TK Alumni Anthony Frasier and Edward Velazquez.

Show topics:

- Thoughts on Mark Cerny's PS5 briefing

- Anthony calls out PlayStation fans

- Predictions on the price of Xbox Series X and PS5

- Will this be the generation when we go all digital?

- Is the PlayStation brand's reach limited to the console itself? 

Categories | Gaming


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 60.52MB - Duration: 1:45:46 m (80 kbps 32000 Hz)

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