The original Planetside, released in 2003 by developers Sony Online Entertainment, was an ambitious undertaking. It was made for thousands of gamers to experience all-out...
Play, Create, Share; those three words have been the back bone of some of the most creative Playstation titles this generation. LittleBigPlanet 2 remains my...
It’s easy to see why the Smash Brothers games are so successful. Take an assortment of beloved characters from across multiple franchises, place them in...
While Microsoft and Sony seem content with releasing new consoles that are essentially more powerful versions of their previous devices, Nintendo have painted themselves into...
E3 kicked off this morning with Microsoft’s press conference. With dancing, fitness, montages, speeches and pretty colors, did they have what it takes to stand...
Back in June of 2009, Radical Entertainment teamed up with Activision to create a compelling action-adventure open world title set in New York City. Prototype...