When NetherRealm Studios first announced Injustice: Gods Among Us back in May of 2012, both fighting game fans and comic book enthusiasts found themselves dreaming...
Defiance is unlike anything that has ever hit the world before. It’s a television show like any other, but isn’t. It’s a Massively Multiplayer Online...
In 1999, Ensemble Studios along with publishers Microsoft released the smash hit real-time strategy game Age of Empires II. A game which allowed you to...
[alert type=”red”]This article on gaming franchises that need to die is only my opinion and is not meant to say these franchises are necessarily bad....
There have been plenty of games in recent years that have tried to capitalize on combining elements from a few different genres into one streamlined...
Happy Valentine’s Day! Or, Happy Forever Alone Day! Or, Happy “All the Single Ladies (all the single ladies) Day! However you choose to celebrate, there...