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Microsoft Looking to Increase Development Investment | Games of Our Lives

/// November 7, 2017 | EPISODE 198

Below are the news stories that may not have made the headlines today but are worth reading!

Gamers never die…..

Just like the Games of Our Lives…


►Grand Theft Auto V
►Assassin’s Creed: Origins
►Xenoblade Chronicles 2
►Dissidia Final Fantasy
►The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR

/// Grand Theft Auto V Tops 85 Million Units Shipped, Tops Wii Sports!

Take-Two released its earnings report for the quarter ending September 30 and the open-world action game – Grand Theft Auto V – has now shipped 85 million units. That is up from 80 million units in May.

The game is now the “all-time best-selling video game” in the US when you take into account units sold, as well as revenue. It has now outsold Wii Sports, which has sold over 82 million units.

Overall, Take-Two earned $443.6 million in revenue, up from $420.2 million a year ago. Revenue from digital sales increased 31 percent to $302.9 million from $230.8 million. Digital sales accounted for 68 percent of Take-Two’s total revenue.
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/// Telltale Lays off 25% of Employees!

The company calls it a “comprehensive company restructuring” as 90 employees (or 25 percent) have been laid off. “All divisions” have been impacted and are effective today.
Telltale has seen criticism of late since it continues to use the same game engine that has shown its age. However, the company plans to address this.

“[Telltale] will use this restructuring as an opportunity to move internal development over to more proven technologies that will fast-track innovation in its core products as it works with new partners to bring its games to new audiences,” reads the press released.
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/// Assassin’s Creed: Origins Sales Up 100% Over Syndicate !

“Given longer development lead times, our talents can fully express their creative visions and therefore maximize the potential of our games,” said Guillemot. “The success of these releases – notably the 100% sales growth for Assassin’s Creed Origins – combined with solid live operations demonstrate that Ubisoft is ideally positioned to deliver further growth in future fiscal years.”
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/// Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Full Direct Presentation, Character Trailer & Info!–A

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/// Microsoft Looking to Increase Development Investment!

Head of Xbox Phil Spencer speaking with Bloomberg in an interview revealed that Microsoft is looking into increasing its investment into developing more games. This could mean opening up new studios or acquiring existing ones.

“We need to grow, and I look forward to doing that,” Spencer said. “Our ability to go create content has to be one of our strengths. We haven’t always invested at the same level. We’ve gone through ups and downs in the investment.”

Spencer added that Microsoft is looking into launching a streaming service that would not require a console in the next three years. Microsoft did an internal trial in 2012, however, the service at the time was too costly and did not make it to market. Microsoft’s Azure cloud service improvements over the past few years is helping make it more viable.
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/// Bandai Namco Developing 3 Big Switch Exclusives Due Out by Summer 2018!

The company is aiming to increase its games released on the Switch in the fiscal year starting in April 2018. It is currently working on three big Switch exclusives that will be released worldwide between spring and summer 2018.
Bandai Namco plans to continue developing games on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC.
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/// PlayStation Experience 2017 Keynote Smaller Scale Than in Previous Years!

“On Friday night, we’ll have a special presentation with opening remarks, special guests and game updates to talk about,” said Shuman. “We’re not calling it a Showcase given that we’re coming a few weeks off of Paris Games Week, but we’ll have some cool content to share.”

PlayStation Worldwide Studios Chairman Shawn Layden will provide game updates, have special guests, along with some surprises.Top of Page

/// Dissidia Final Fantasy adds Golbez from FF IV, ‘Stellar Fulcrum’ Stage from FF XI!

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/// The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR PlayStation VR Bundle Announced for North America!

The November 17 release date for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR is just around the corner, and we couldn’t be happier to announce that we’re making it easier than ever to enjoy the epic open world of The Elder Scrolls with the PlayStation VR Skyrim VR Bundle.

The PlayStation VR Skyrim VR Bundle includes the PS VR system, PlayStation Camera, two PlayStation Move controllers, and Skyrim VR — including the Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn add-ons. Also included is an updated PS VR Demo Disc that features demos from 13 PS VR titles.

The PlayStation VR Skyrim Bundle will launch alongside the game on November 17 in the U.S. for $449.99 USD and in Canada for $579.99 CAD. If you want to make sure you get your hands on one, pre-order your bundle starting today.

This is the full length open-world game you have been waiting to experience in virtual reality. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s stellar reputation hardly needs an introduction, as the title has won more than 200 game of the year awards in its time. We simply can’t wait for PS4 gamers to experience it like never before. For those who are longtime fans of the game, Skyrim VR will transport you right into the game’s epic world. For those who have yet to play Skyrim, you are in for massive treat.

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