For ages, the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs have safeguarded humanity, preserving peace, balance, and harmony. However, as traditions evolved, their powers began to wane. To...
Today, GSC Game World and Xbox released a feature-length documentary titled War Game: The Making of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2. The 90-minute video embedded above follows the...
Earlier today, Maximum Entertainment revealed that their hand-drawn 2V2 co-op fighting game Diesel Legacy: The Brazen Age launches on December 3rd for PC, Xbox Series...
NetherRealm Studios has released the launch trailer for Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns. This new expansion extends the story campaign, adds several new playable fighters,...
Bethesda Game Studios has released a deep dive trailer for Starfield: Shattered Space. The video showcasing the upcoming expansion is embedded above while more details...
Earlier today, All Possible Futures and Devolver Digital released the launch trailer for The Plucky Squire. The video is embedded above while a few more...