
Gears of War 1 Download Included In Gears of War: Judgment

Microsoft announced today that a download code for Gears of War 1 will be available in new copies of the upcoming Gears of War: Judgement.

The redeemable token will download the game from the from Xbox Games On Demand and will add $19.99 of value to your purchase, the download will be available in all regions except Germany, where the original Gears was never released.

Along with this announcement, Epic has released a new trailer for Judgment highlighting what’s new in the series and what fans can expect when they pick up the game.

Personally I love the Gears of War series but I am yet to be sold on Judgment. However, this trailer does give me hope and the game does look promising. Adding in a download code is a great idea, even if it is not relevant to most people who have probably played the first Gears. I am sure there are lots who missed it the first time around that would enjoy it now.

Gears of War: Judgment will launch on March 19 for the Xbox 360.