Today, Sony released an in-depth preview via their blog of 6 great games that they will be offering for free to North American PS Plus subscribers all March long. This lineup features individual titles that can be played on the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, and PlayStation 4 platforms.
First up is the PlayStation 3 console, which will receive Tomb Raider, Thomas Was Alone, and Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut. Content Writer Garrett Glass reviewed both Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut and Thomas Was Alone last year. Additionally, I reviewed Tomb Raider shortly after it launched last March. All of these games are certainly worth your time and attention.
Next up is the PlayStation Vita with Unit 13 and Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite. Both of these titles will appeal to Vita owners and keep them busy for days and hours on end.
Finally, the PlayStation 4 will feature Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition. The original Dead Nation launched on the PS3 and now players get the chance to experience all of that excitement and horror on the PS4.
PS Plus has had a really great 2014 so far. Hopefully this trend can continue as the year goes on.
Will any of you be downloading any of these games next month? Please feel free to let us know in the comments section below.