The Hitman series has returned, allowing players to exact a subtle, bloody and destructive end to their mark. Developed by IO Interactive and Published by...
Imagine for a moment, if you would, a world where viciously brutal mass-murders were regular and everyday occurrences Hypnotic music and tantalizing personalities surrounded you everywhere you went...
It’s easy to see why the Smash Brothers games are so successful. Take an assortment of beloved characters from across multiple franchises, place them in...
Yesterday, Square Enix released details on the Collector’s Edition for their upcoming Tomb Raider video game. Currently, this package will only be available in the US and...
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is a competitive online multiplayer medieval-style combat game. There aren’t really a whole lot of games like Chivalry on the market. The...
Ravaged is a post-apocalyptic competitive multiplayer online vehicular shooter. That is quite a mouthful! The game has been on Kickstarter and surpassed its funding goals...