After making a splash during E3 2012, Capcom decided to further promote Resident Evil 6 by releasing two gameplay videos from the upcoming survival horror...
Back in November of 1996, Eidos Interactive published a groundbreaking action-adventure title where survival became the key to your success. Tomb Raider revolutionized the industry...
A limited edition, gold PS3 controller will hit European stores this June in time for the London 2012 Olympics. Pre-Order it now from Amazon. PS3 fans can...
In the midst of their E3 press conference Sony secretly announced this contraption which I assume is a torture device for Playstation Move controllers. Apparently it can...
Sony kicked off their E3 presser in a major way this evening with the announcement of Quantic Dream’s latest game BEYOND: Two Souls. Here’s the full...
The Game of Thrones HBO television series is near perfect. With superb acting, perfect pacing, tons of drama, and enough political intrigue to keep an...