
Bioware Co-Founders Retire from Gaming Industry

The legendary co-founders of the development powerhouse, Bioware, have officially announced their retirement from Bioware and the gaming industry today. Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk have left the company to pursue different and more personal goals down the road. Zeschuk has indicated his decreased passion for gaming in general, while Muzyka wants to engage in a brand new and exciting industry.

Many speculate that the departure has to do with the failings of the Old Republic (which EA specifically denied, and both Muzyka and Zeschuk gave their retirement notices months ago to ensure a stable transition – so that’s probably not the case.) Or, maybe it has something to do with the controlling and negative connotations that come from working with EA as a publisher? This wouldn’t be the first time that a company has seen itself fundamentally change, and in some cases break down, after the relationship.

Whatever the case may be, they are responsible for some of the greatest games in the history of the gaming industry. Maybe one day they will come back together for one last hurrah, or maybe not. Whatever the case may be, here at The Koalition we wish them both the best of luck in wherever their paths take them.

For more details, you can read Muzyka’s blog post here, as well as Zeschuk’s post here. Thanks to Joystiq for the information!