
The Best Games Of 2011: LittleBigPlanet 2

LittleBigPlanet 2

Full Title: LittleBigPlanet 2
Developer: Media Molecule
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Platforms: Playstation 3
Release Window: January 2011

Of all the games that will be released next year, LittleBigPlanet 2 is the one that I worry the most about. Not because I think the game won’t be good, but because I worry it won’t garner the attention and universal appraise that it deserves. On the surface it’s easy to brush LBP2 off as a glorified level pack for the first game, after- all this sequel is almost indistinguishable from the first game at first glance. However once you delve deeper behind the scenes you’ll quickly discover than LBP2 is one of the most improved sequels of this generation. Media Molecule have effectively rebuilt the entire game from the ground out, keeping the things that work, re-tweaking the things that didn’t and introducing new gameplay elements which we’ll wonder how we lived without. My colleague Gary Swaby has already detailed the awesomeness of LittleBigPlanet 2 better than I ever could so be sure to check out his preview (and Media Molecule interview) here. A demo for LBP will hit the Playstation Network today, be sure to check it out!
