
The Best Games Of 2011: Child Of Eden

Child of Eden

Full Title: Child of Eden
Developer: Q Entertainment
Publisher: Ubisoft
Platforms: Xbox 360
Release Window: TBA 2011

Child of Eden is the latest game from Tetsuya Mizuguchi, the mastermind behind REZ. Incidentally it is also the first Kinect game I’ve seen which doesn’t make me feel like I should pass down my Xbox 360 to my little sister. If you own a Kinect but grow wary of getting fit or petting kittens, Child of Eden is the game you’ve been waiting for! This kaleidoscopic shooter is essentially a spiritual successor to REZ and if it turns out half as good as REZ HD was we’re in for a treat. It’s almost impossible to describe Child of Eden without doing the game injustice and thanks to the video demo posted below I don’t have to!  If you’re still on the fence regarding Kinect hopefully this game will be the one to tip you over the edge. Mizuguchi is a world renowned developer for a reason and I’m confident that Child of Eden will be one of his greatest achievements!
