The series producers of Mass Effect 3, Michael Gamble and Casey Hudson, have teased DLC by tweeting screenshots of new content for the game.

Along with this, Gamble tweeted “Does not look like a guy you’d want to mess with.” The image shows a heavy Krogan smashing a badass hammer, presumably a new character or a boss in the DLC.
Hudson accompanied this screenshot with “Looks like a nice place for some R&R.” The screenshot is of the Silversun Strip and the Silver Coast Casino, the neon lighting ensures that this is going to be a cool location, probably with more awkward Shepard dancing.
Hopefully we find out some more information soon. Although many were disappointed by the story in Mass Effect 3, you cannot deny that it is fun to play, and therefore another excuse to fight in new locations is fine by me.
What do you think of these new screenshots? Will you be picking up and more DLC for Mass Effect 3? Let me know in the comments below.