Chicago and New York come together on “Countdown”. Consequence and the newly-freed-from-label-woes Lupe Fiasco connect for a chill track that still finds a way to be lyrically potent. Presented on Consequence’s Soundcloud under the tag “Company of Greatness”, there’s no telling if this will be a continued collaboration or just a one-off joint. Let us know what you think of it down in the comments below.
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Charles Singletary
Charles "Profex" Singletary is a writer raised in Birmingham, AL but currently calling San Antonio, TX home. Specializing in entertainment media, Charles reviews movies, writes video game news articles and editorials, and brings a spotlight to various music artists through the different mediums he writes for. His goals center around bringing a spotlight to the lesser known gems in both gaming and music. These incredibly talented developers and artists deserve a dedicated platform and he wants to use whatever notoriety he gains to push them forward.