Charles "Profex" Singletary is a writer raised in Birmingham, AL but currently calling San Antonio, TX home. Specializing in entertainment media, Charles reviews movies, writes video game news articles and editorials, and brings a spotlight to various music artists through the different mediums he writes for. His goals center around bringing a spotlight to the lesser known gems in both gaming and music. These incredibly talented developers and artists deserve a dedicated platform and he wants to use whatever notoriety he gains to push them forward.
No Man’s Sky, Elite: Dangerous, Endless Space, and so many others are evidence of the space exploration resurgence. In those and others, exploration, combat, and...
Developer Dodge Roll brings us, by way of Devolver Digital, the twin-stick dungeon-crawler Enter the Gungeon. Pixel art collides with bullets, blood, and mayhem as...
Oxenfree, the debut title from indie developers Night School Studios, is a supernatural teen thriller that has been making positive waves since its release this...
So apparently B.o.B. is woke. For some sudden reason, the ATLien (lol) has decided the Earth is flat and is dropping knowledge (?) daily...
Saba embraces his new-found popularity after a fantastic live performance and feature on Chance the Rapper’s “Angels”. Don’t get it twisted though, Saba has been...