The ARMA series has earned a reputation of being a hardcore, intense and highly challenging experience. There’s not many games that have attempted to simulate...
Today we have been given a detailed update on some new aspects of Killzone Shadow Fall’s multiplayer, including new information about challenges, combat honors and...
DriveClub has the distinct honor of replacing Ridge Racer as Sony’s launch-lineup racing game. Developed by Evolution Studios (MotorStorm franchise) as an exclusive PlayStation 4...
Today Ubisoft was kind enough to send us over an impressive walkthrough trailer from their upcoming Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag video game. The video...
The Xbox One was recently delayed in eight countries, reducing the number of release territories down to only thirteen. Today we found out the reasoning...
Earlier today, Ubisoft released a new gameplay trailer for Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag showcasing how stealth plays a part in the overall gameplay experience. The...
During yesterday’s Gamescom conference, Crytek unveiled the latest CryEngine demo running exclusively on next gen consoles. The impressive video above shows off several features including...
During yesterday’s Gamescom festivities, EA Sports released a brand new trailer featuring FIFA 14 gameplay taken directly from both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4...
Earlier today, Avalanche Studios and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment sent us over a few new screenshots taken directly from their upcoming Mad Max video game. The images...