Sentai Filmworks has announced a list of their November DVD and Blu-ray releases for fans to enjoy. Sentai Filmworks is a global leader in anime and genre...
Warner Bros. Entertainment x DC Comics have just released the new trailer for LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. The video reveals Brainiac’s diabolical plan to shrink the...
When E3 2014 officially roars into the Los Angeles Convention Center on June 10th, first time attendees might be surprised to discover that there will...
I write about many RPGs for the Kickstarter Weekly—typically roguelikes and JRPGs. The 21st issue is no different, although the games themselves take their own different...
Earlier today, Bioware and EA revealed that Dragon Age: Inquisition is expected to launch worldwide on October 7th. This news comes literally a day after Bioware released the official box art...
Earlier today, PlayStation Social Media Manager Sid Shuman revealed a massive list over on the PlayStation Blog of roughly 103 titles that are currently slated...