Earlier this month, Comcept and Armature Studios released a brand new action-adventure IP on Xbox One and Windows 10 Compatible PCs. While ReCore has received positive to mixed reviews from various media outlets around the world, there’s absolutely no denying that this third-person single-player shooter is intriguing enough to warrant several possible sequels down the road.
Shortly after the game’s launch, I was able to sit down with ReCore Composer Chad Seiter and get his insight on what it was like to create the score for this project. Below is my in-depth interview along with the complete soundtrack for you all to listen to.
What movies or games would you list as great sources of inspiration while creating the soundtrack for ReCore?
Chad Seiter: I always want to try to create something new with the sound of my scores, but I can’t deny all the things that have influenced me over the years. I would say I look back to a lot of what I listened to when I was learning how to compose. My main inspiration over the years has always been composer Jerry Goldsmith – he’s written some of the greatest themes and action scores of all time! His sound is classic, and the way his music works with picture is flawless. I also draw a lot of inspiration from my favorite classic video game melodies that I listened to as a kid – music from Mega Man, Final Fantasy, and Metroid, for example. I also learned so much from composer Michael Giacchino, who I worked with for many years.
Can you describe how you were given the opportunity to be a part of this project and which techniques you typically use when asked to create original music for any project?
Chad Seiter: I got a call from my friends at Microsoft Studios, saying they had a project that they thought I would be perfect for. When they said I would be working with Comcept and Armature, I had to work hard to contain my excitement on the phone. I think it’s always important to look at each project as they arrive and think about what suits the project best. I think every composer has their “bag of tricks” that they start with – the things that define us as musicians. Our favorite devices. My demo for ReCore is actually on the ReCore Original Soundtrack. It’s called “Main Theme – Reprise.” After I had received some rough concept art, I went and wrote that track based on how the imagery made me feel.

Given Keiji Inafune’s popularity within the gaming industry, did you feel any pressure while creating the soundtrack for this game? How did this project compare to other projects that you’ve been on in the past?
Chad Seiter: YES! Mega Man 2 is without question my favorite video game of all time, and I can practically speed run all the Mega Man and Mega Man X games. To work with a formative and iconic figure in gaming’s history is intimidating, to say the least. I have been very fortunate to be a part of several projects over the years where I get to collaborate with people who have greatly inspired me. It’s scary at first, but I always try to be myself and contribute my own voice. I like to think that their influence speaks in the music I write.
Are you a gamer and if so which system or systems do you own or plan on buying down the road?
Chad Seiter: I’m a huge gamer! I am actually an avid retro games collector. I have most retro gaming systems, and I’ve had them all modified for high-quality RGB and/or HDMI output. All the systems go through a scaling box called a Framemeister which upscales to beautiful 1080p, and they all look amazing. My favorite toy right now is an Analogue NT console, carved out of solid aluminum, and constructed with original Nintendo Entertainment System parts. I have about 600 game cartridges between all my retro systems. I of course also have all the current gen systems and a Z170 gaming PC with a GeForce 980Ti and Windows 10. I’ve been playing ReCore on my PC and using the Xbox Anywhere function to also play it on my Xbox One in my office! I’m really looking forward to Project Scorpio – that’s when I’m going to upgrade to 4K!

Do you have any existing dream projects or franchises that you would love to create the music for one day?
Chad Seiter: Oh, definitely. There are way too many to mention individually as I’d love to work on them all! But, I would have to say I find creating a new IP to be some of the most rewarding work of all. I had a great time coming up with the sound of ReCore – it really challenged me and forced me to think differently. Hopefully, we’ll be able to make more of them!
What advice would you give to any aspiring composers who may want to get into creating music for either the film or game industry?
Chad Seiter: I would say that you should always stay true to who you are – it defines you as a composer. As you grow as a musician, you should seek out like-minded people who also want to make the same things you do. If you are vigilant and determined, you will have the opportunity to work with all the new friends you will make down your path.
This concludes my interview with Chad Seiter for his work on ReCore. If you want to see more of Chad’s work please visit his website directly at www.chadseiter.com. If you’re interested in listening to the whole soundtrack, please feel free to check out the Spotify link embedded below.