Today marks the release of Rockstar Games latest highly anticipated title, Red Dead Redemption. While many may believe this game has the potential to be a sleeper, you can’t deny that the idea of exploring a western environment crafted by the GTA creative team could present an interesting experience. In celebration of this title’s release, we decided to show you the package we received exclusively from the Rockstar team. The Swag Bag includes a copy of Red Dead Redemption for Xbox 360, A Large T-Shirt, A pair of rolling dice, a bar of soap, and a pack of playing cards. If any of you fans out there are interested in any of the swag items ( except for the game of course) feel free to answer this following question:
Besides Will Smith, name one rapper who appeared in a Western genre movie.
If you think you know the answer, hit me up with an email at and the swag is as good as yours. Contest is open to US residents only as shipping would be paid for. As for the game itself, I’ll be providing my detailed review later this week to let you know if it’s worth your money. Until then sit back and watch a few of your favorite westerns to tide you over. Special Shoutouts to Rockstar Games for sending the game and the swag to go along with it.