
The Koalition Interviews Ed Stern From Splash Damage – Brink

In this interview recorded at the Eurogamer Expo 2010 in Earls Court, I speak to Ed Stern the lead writer on Brink. Seeing as Ed is the lead writer I tailored my line of questioning towards his specific experiences on working with Brink. I have seen a whole lot of Brink in conferences over the past two years (2009-2010), so I aimed to find out more from another perspective, focusing more on the story elements of the game. As you can see from the interview they are still unsure about the release date, all that is revealed is that they are aiming for early next year. I tried my best to squeeze a possible month out of him but of course Ed has no choice but to remain tight lipped. Major props go to this man Ed Stern as he is the truth! He’s a great man with a great philosophy on first person shooters. After the interview we spoke for an extended amount of time about gaming and writing. He even gave Ruthlesskid (Kieran Blackman) some helpful tips on his studies at university.

Again we apologize for the sound not being perfect. We can assure you that all your support for The Koalition brings us closer to gaining top of the line equipment to help us bring more coverage to you in the best quality possible.

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