
Yoshida Says PS3 Is Now Breaking Even But No Price Cuts

Sony Computer Entertainment’s worldwide studio boss Shuhei Yoshida has announced that the Playstation 3 is no longer being manufactured at a loss. The past few years it was well known that every single Playstation 3 produced was losing money for the company, however now the console is finally making a profit. He went on to tell IGN that there would be no price cuts this year at least, as the company aims to focus on bundles.

Yoshida said the following.

“This year is the first time that we are able to cover the cost of the PlayStation 3,” he said. “We aren’t making huge money from hardware, but we aren’t bleeding like we used to.

We have lots of great games coming out and innovations with Move and 3DTV, so we don’t believe this is the time for us to think about a price drop,”

That’s great for Sony, now they can be more confident while focusing strictly on the IP’s. Too bad about the price drop, but all consoles are at a reasonable price as it stands, and I personally feel we can all wait another year for price drops. Let us know your thoughts.