
Super Giant Games Tries Something Different With Transistor’s Narrator

It’s hard not to read any article related to Super Giant Games’s Bastion without switching to the voice of the game’s narrator. Transistor will also feature voice-over; however, the company will try something different with the narrator.

Speaking to Polygon, Super Giant Games’s creative director, Greg Kasavin compared the two narrators while explaining how Transistor’s  will be different.

“What I really hoped for with Bastion was you almost have this familial relationship with him by the end where it’s a complicated relationship — maybe you kind of love him, maybe you have mixed feelings about him. Hopefully you feel close to him and you understand why he cares about the things he did.”

The new narrator, on the other hand, is a bodiless entity. Kasavin claims that the narrator will have a “symbiotic” relationship with the narrator, hoping to create a partnership between him and the protagonist, Red. “There’s this voice coming from the Transistor, and I hope that what comes across is he really cares about Red the protagonist. If you get nothing else out of it, I hope you get that — that he cares about what happens to her and he doesn’t want her to come to harm.”

I had mixed feelings on Bastion’s narrator; however, I’ll admit that he brought a certain charm to the crumbling world. While it doesn’t seem their voice-over method will be that different, the motivations certainly do. According to the article, Red, the main protagonist, has lost her voice while the narrator has lost his body–sounds like the perfect start to a necessary partnership. Now I only wonder if Transistor will also feature maybe two lines of dialogue from one other character.