On February 23rd, the next installment in Ubisoft’s popular Far Cry series will make it’s console debut at every major retailer and digital online store worldwide. Far Cry Primal promises to give both new and longtime fans of the franchise a different perspective on survival by throwing players headfirst into an immersive, yet brutally fun prehistoric setting.
One of key components that make a massive title like this one work lies firmly within the musical soundtrack used to bring this unique environment to life. Luckily for us all, Academy Award-winning (BAFTA) composer Jason Graves is perfectly suited to breathe life and meaning into this score. Having created music for The Order: 1886, Evolve, Tomb Raider and Dead Space, Jason is a master of his craft and another reason why this is a standout project.

Earlier this week, I had an opportunity to have a candid one-on-one conversation with Jason to discuss his overall experience creating a Stone Age soundtrack. In addition to answering questions about Far Cry Primal, he also gives great career advice for every aspiring video game and movie composer out there. Please feel free to have a listen below and you can preorder the full soundtrack on iTunes right here.
Far Cry Primal launches worldwide on February 23rd for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and on March 1st for PC. Stay tuned for our in-depth review of the game and more next week.