DC Comics is launching a new six-issue miniseries called Batman: The Adventures Continue in April. Set in the world of the beloved show, the digital-first series...
In 2016, The Koalition spoke to Adam West about reprising his Bruce Wayne/Batman role for Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders, his legacy as Batman, become Mayor...
Warner Bros.’ upcoming The Batman movie has found its Selina Kyle aka Catwoman in Big Little Lies star Zoe Kravitz. Kravitz joins Robert Pattinson who has the title role, Jeffrey...
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has moved up its physical release date for Batman: Hush, the next entry in the popular series of DC Universe Movies....
Earlier today, Telltale Games announced that the fifth and final episode of Batman: The Enemy Within is titled Same Stitch and is scheduled to launch on March 27th for...
Earlier today, Telltale Games announced that the fourth episode of Batman: The Enemy Within is titled What Ails You and is scheduled to launch on January 23rd for PlayStation...
Are you a DC fan? Get ready for “DC in D.C.” During the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday weekend, Warner Bros. Television Group, DC Entertainment and...