Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment released the fourth episode in the “Meet That Hero!” video series, featuring two powerful wizards from very different worlds – Gandalf...
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment announced that DC Legends, a strategy role-playing game in which players collect and form unlikely alliances of Super...
Warner Bros. Pictures has released a new trailer for the Wonder Woman movie along with three new posters in the gallery. After leaving her all-female island, Wonder...
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment released the third episode in the “Meet That Hero!” video series for LEGO Dimensions, featuring the adorable but spunky Marceline...
Earlier today, Nintendo finally revealed their new home gaming console titled Nintendo Switch. This new piece of hardware will allow gamers to play their games...
Earlier today, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment announced that Batman: Return to Arkham will launch worldwide on October 18th for PS4 and Xbox One. This bundle...
Say “hello puddin'” to the official Suicide Squad: Special Ops the official video game time-in from Warner Bros Interactive, available at the App Store and...