This past weekend I attended London Comic Con as press with graphic designer (and expert photographer) Rameez Quadri, so I thought it would be courtesy to the wonderful people who run the event to do a roundup of the event and our experiences.
Ultimately London Comic Con isn’t as big a spectacle as the ones in San Diego and New York, but it’s still a fun enough experience to satisfy any self-proclaimed geek (such as myself). Featured panels and Q&A’s this weekend included Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss on Sherlock and Doctor Who; Alan Tudyk and Nolan North on new comedy Con Man; Noah Wyle on Librarians; Charlie Higson on Jekyll and Hyde; and Gareth Evans on his acclaimed martial arts movie The Raid.
Besides the Sherlock panel, none of the panels stood out to me personally, but it’s entirely subjective and based on what somebody may or may not be into. However, I do feel as though the MCM London Comic Con should have panels which cover fandoms on a higher mainstream tier.
There are three standout attractions that I always enjoy seeing at London Comic con; they are cosplayers, merchants and artists. Walking through the hall is an exciting feeling because there’s always something that will catch your eye, literally in every direction.
What’s impressive to me is that although it’s being reported that this year’s Comic Con has had the highest attendance ever at 130,560 people – the hall was far less congested than it was at last year’s Winter Comic Con. This made browsing the various stalls a much more pleasurable experience, especially considering that we literally got stuck in a section last year due to so much traffic. It seems as though they did a great job spacing out the stands in the hall this time, because you would never guess that you were part of a record breaking attendance.
Overall MCM London Comic Con 2015 was an exciting event. Rameez and I both picked up some cool items, and we saw some nice cosplay along the way. If your level of nerd is above 9000 then there’s no reason for you to skip out on a Comic Con.
Now here are some cool pics taken by both Rameez and I (mainly Rameez).