The day has come, Konami has announced that they will cease AAA development. The only game they will dedicate resources to is Pro Evolution Soccer, which means no more Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania and definitely no PT or Silent Hills. Listen as we discuss this news and what it could mean for the future. Be sure to check out this week’s Throwdown Your Questions for even more perspectives on this news.
Also on this episode:
We discuss Star Fox being delayed for the Wii U. What does this mean for the console? And how will the NX affect the Wii U eco-system?
TGS wrap-up: Final Fantasy XV is confirmed for 2016, Persona 5 is delayed to 2016, NioH is announced for PS4, Yakuza remake is coming to PS3 and PS4 for 10 year anniversary and much more.
Project Morpheus is now called PlayStation VR, and it will be $399.99. How successful will this platform be? Will Sony support it correctly? What kind of software support will we see?
Jakejames Lugo breaks down Destiny: The Taken King
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