Today, Disney+ released a new teaser and poster for Descendants: The Rise of Red, the next installment in the mega-hit Descendants franchise that features the...
Season 3 of SYFY’s Resident Alien has been a rollercoaster of emotions filled with revelation, character growth, break ups, make ups and a baby alien....
Resident Alien is wrapping its third season and things are becoming interesting. Inspired by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse’s comic books of the same name, the crash-landed...
Season 3 of SYFY’s Resident Alien has introduced fans to a possible alien invasion (again), stories about family bonds, the complications of parenthood and more. As the season...
Season 3 of SYFY’s Resident Alien has been an unpredictable adventure, balancing insanely funny events with emotional grounding stories. No other series in television deals...
What if a single song, an unmistakable melody, an unforgettable sound – could take you back in time, literally? Harriet (Lucy Boynton) finds music imitating...