The Amateur, an all-new espionage thriller, introduces us to Heller (Malek), a brilliant but deeply introverted decoder for the CIA working out of a basement...
Megalopolis, one of the most expensive and awe-inspiring sci-fi adventures of the year, just got an exciting new trailer and poster, announcing that tickets are...
Apple TV+ is excited to share a sneak peek clip from the second episode of season four of the Emmy-nominated and BAFTA Award-winning espionage drama...
Keep your friends close but keep your frenemies closer-er, because you never know when you might need each other to save the universe…or universes. Marvel’s...
Today, Disney+ released a new teaser and poster for Descendants: The Rise of Red, the next installment in the mega-hit Descendants franchise that features the...
What if a single song, an unmistakable melody, an unforgettable sound – could take you back in time, literally? Harriet (Lucy Boynton) finds music imitating...