In the latest film adaptation that isn’t The Hunger Games or the Divergent series, comes the second installment of the Maze Runner franchise. Wasting no...
With the release of the massively disappointing Fantastic Four movie (check out our review), it got me thinking about how Hollywood keeps messing up one of...
At Microsoft’s Gamescom presentation today, they showed off some new footage of the upcoming exclusive Scalebound. Now, an almost 6 minute long briefing has been...
[alert type=”green”]Spoilers ahead![/alert] If you are anything like me, you have wanted to play a decent Adventure Time game for a very long time. Unfortunately...
Both of the Halo 5: Guardians limited editions have been announced. For $100, you will get the “Limited Edition”, which includes, among other things, a Guardian...
Today at E3, Ubisoft announced Anno 2205, the sixth installment of the strategy city-building series. Anno 2205 is set in a futuristic world, and will...