Disney and Pixar’s Elemental marked its world premiere and closed the 76th International Cannes Film Festival as voice talent and filmmakers walked the iconic red...
To celebrate the one-week countdown to the theatrical release of Disney and Pixar’s Lightyear, Disney+ invites fans to explore the history of Buzz Lightyear and...
Every cinephile loves a good hero—someone to admire, someone to root for. Heroes overcome insurmountable obstacles to save the day. And the best heroes—the ones...
Buzz Lightyear is Pixar’s biggest hero—a big-screen phenomenon that inspired a successful line of toys from the geniuses of Pixar Animation Studios’ 1995 feature film...
Disney and Pixar’s original feature film Luca is a fun and heartwarming story about friendship, stepping out of your comfort zone and two teenage sea monsters...