Torrence Davis
Torrence Davis is the founder and Editor In Chief of I first discovered The Bitbag through HipHopGamer, and have not stopped going there since. When we were in our infant stages of this site everything was so new and one of the biggest goals we wanted to achieve was attending the E3 Expo. In regular Torrence video blogging fashion he had a clip of all the E3 badges he had acquired from years of attending. Now that being the biggest goal we wanted to achieve and seeing someone like him and of color be so decorated made me look to him for guidance. Torrence has been a figure of controversy himself and largely due to the statements he makes on his popular podcast Video Game Warzone which also features HipHopGamer. Torrence’s vast knowledge of gaming and video blogs that address gaming topics and rants has gained him a loyal and dedicated following. He doesn’t have to say much to get the users on his site to leave novel like responses agreeing or disagreeing with him. His creative approach to blogging has definitely had an affect on The Koalition, and he has been a helping hand many times. This did not happen over night like many stories. Torrence has spent years in the gaming industry even one time having an outlet called Video Game Times. To listen to his personal story refer back to this audio interview.