Interviews TV

Representation Matters – An Interview American Gods’ Devery Jacobs

Season 2 of American Gods is upon us and the battle between the Old Gods/the traditional gods of mythological roots from around the world, and the New Gods, who reflect society’s modern addictions (money, technology, media, celebrity and drugs) is really heating up.

As Shadow Moon (Ricky Whittle) is on his own his own spiritual journey to unearth the truth, he literally crosses paths with a two-spirited wanderer named Sam Black Crow (Devery Jacobs), an indigenous woman who lives her own life with confidence, openness and strength.The Koalition spoke with Jacobs about her life changing role that was literally YEARS in the making. After reading the novel by Neil Gaiman, Jacobs made it her mission to portray Sam Black Crow, a character she passionately identified with as a queer indigenous young woman in her 20’s. This lead to a cascade of events that could have only be written by the Gods.

Speaking with Jacobs, we soon learn her mission of representing the queer Native American community in a truthful way, her dynamic with the cast, her career as a writer/director and more.

American Gods airs Sundays on STARZ.

Check out our interview below.