Editorials PlayStation

Revisiting: 9 Highly Desirable PS5 Predictions & Expectations

With less than 2 months before its release, Sony has finally given us the complete picture of what they’re offering for next gen with the November 12th release of the PlayStation 5. Back in May, we set some expectations of what we wanted to see Sony offer with the console, and we’ve had to wait a while to see how our PS5 predictions measure up to reality. So let’s see how everything ended up shaking out as we revisit our predictions and compare them to the news Sony has provided on what the next generation will look like from PlayStation. My original predictions will be in blue, followed by my current analysis.

Full backward compatibility through to the PS1. Day 1 access to PS1, PS2, PS3, and PS4 games in your PSN library from the PS Store. Compatibility with all PS1, PS2, PS3, and PS4 discs.

Xbox’s backward compatibility (BC) tech got quite the spotlight back in 2016, and justifiably so. There’s no way Sony can step into the next generation without fielding an answer for the level of fan service Xbox BC provides for its users. And hoping they don’t release a subpar, sloppy mess of a service, I think the goodwill extends to digital platforms and includes all previously purchased software. I’ve got my doubts about how polished or extensive the implementation will be on day one, but I think Sony wants to nail the support for the sake of fans and the dreadful first two years of every console cycle before the big money exclusives start rolling in. (First to play on my list? Folklore on PS3.)

Cerny may have only spoken about PS4 BC only during his conference, but that doesn’t mean we’ll see no compatibility with the other legacy PlayStation systems.

Welp. This was a swing and a miss. Not only did Sony not budge past their previously announced PS4 backward compatibility, they didn’t even make any mention of backward compatibility or more initiatives coming to address it. Look, I get it: Backward Compatibility doesn’t sell consoles and it doesn’t really sell games either. But man would it have been good to have them throw us a bone here. Now I’ll have to hook up my PS3 to replay Folklore. Bleh.

PS Now bundled with PS Plus to combine for a monthly service that will have a new title and a fee of $14.99; more current games offered in PS Now

It’s no secret that Xbox Game Pass kicks ass. Sony has quietly been making up ground by offering more recent games to its service. And since Xbox already did the leg work on fleshing out game licensing for subscription services, the studios providing their content should already have a working understanding of what to expect. I think PS Now gets a boost in the arm with a much more robust 3rd party selection, a package deal with PS Plus a la Game Pass Ultimate, and similar perks to Game Pass like purchase discounts.

Rumors had been flying over the two weeks before the September PS5 reveal that Sony was preparing to increase the value of PS Plus by incorporating PS Now somehow. It would have been amazing for the 2 services to merge into one service offer something akin to Xbox Game Pass in value. After all, $60/yr for PS Plus is still a far cry from the $180/yr you’ll pay for Game Pass Ultimate.

Well, we got good news and bad news, and then more good news. The good news is that they did announce an initiative to simulate having the best PlayStation 4 titles bundled with PS Plus called the PS Plus Collection. It includes a list of games curated by PlayStation that “defined the (PS4) generation.” God of War, Bloodborne, and Uncharted 4 are among the 1st party titles included, along with some notable 3rd party titles as well.

The bad news? These games are all really old. If you’ve been playing on PS4 this generation and have had any interest in these games, you’ve likely already bought them and played them. On top of that, the PlayStation Plus Collection is exclusive to PS5, so current PS4 owners won’t ever have access to this collection in their PS+ subs. And while it does include quite a bit of value, it by no means completely defines the PS4 generation. Horizon: Zero Dawn and Spider-Man are absent, along with the two stellar 2020 PS4 releases in The Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima. It seems Sony is leaning toward bringing new players into the fold instead of trying to maximize value for those of us who have been in the stable for a while. And judging by the game selection, they’re still picking their spots to let certain games run their course at retail before making them part of this collection. That would explain why Horizon: Zero Dawn and Spider-Man, games with soon-to-be-released sequels, are noticeably absent. Those two games were a big part of the PS4’s dominance. Their omission is a clear signal that Sony is still placing profits over consumer value.

Now more good news: it’s absolutely free with your PS+ subscription. So anybody who buys a PS5 can subscribe to PS+ and have most of the last generation’s hits ready to play instantly, along with 2 free games per month (presumably). So instead of bolstering the value of PS+ for the 110M+ PS4 users, they’re focused on intensifying value for brand new PlayStation gamers instead. It’s not the direction I thought they would go, but creating new users is always a focus in business. I guess we’ll see how it plays out.

One PS5 prediction is a smart delivery system like what CD Project announced for Cyberpunk 2077 with Microsoft

A “Smart Delivery” feature (though not that name) mirroring the feature announced by Microsoft and endorsed by CD Projekt Red for Cyberpunk 2077

This is the toughest prediction for me. It’s a stretch because both Microsoft and Sony (not to mention developers) have certainly made their fair share of money by re-releasing last generation content on current generation consoles. The biggest games of the PS3/Xbox 360 generation were released again later on the current consoles. Skyrim, GTAV, and The Last of Us were all remade to get a bump from better hardware and another run at the market.

It’s one thing for CD Projekt Red to make the announcement that they won’t double-dip on consumers, but few studios are so gracious or financially stable. It boggles my mind to think that every publisher could forego that kind of money simply for the good of the consumer and the health of the marketplace. But since Microsoft has already broadcast their intentions and been reinforced by the developer of one of the biggest releases of the current generation, it would now make all other parties – both Sony and other major studios alike – look like jackasses to charge twice for the same game across both console generations. To be fair, Sony did start this idea with Cross-buy coming from the PS3 and Vita into the PS4. But once games were no longer being released on multiple platforms later in the cycle, they slowed down on that strategy. Here’s hoping that type of effort will be adopted again.

We definitely didn’t get anything close to Xbox’s Smart Delivery feature. In fact, that feature kind of fell apart for Xbox too. 3rd party publishers didn’t buy in completely, instead offering a range of next-gen upgrade solutions. From free upgrades of 5 year old titles to outright charging for next generation releases of year-old games, the response has been varied from devs, and neither Microsoft nor Sony has had much say in it. And while Xbox at least promised next-gen upgrades of their 1st party XB1 titles for free, Sony is apparently locking the Marvel’s Spider-Man remaster behind a Miles Morales Ultimate Edition. Son of a bitch.

Another huge miss on my part. Sheesh.

Cross-play compatibility from day one

This is a gimme. Xbox and Nintendo shamed PlayStation into doing what has probably been possible since the PS3 era: letting people play online across devices and company lines. It made no sense for PlayStation to adopt that strategy with the PS4 since one of the largest determining factors of which console somebody buys is whether their friends were playing it. PlayStation having at least a 2-to-1 lead over Xbox with an install base meant that you had more friends in the wild playing PS4 and, consequently, a much stronger incentive to buy one. Since a new generation is viewed as a hard reset, it makes sense for Sony to scrap that policy in case the numbers were to shift toward Xbox early in the cycle.

There hasn’t been much confirmation of this from Sony or Microsoft. All signs point to this being implemented on the developer side, with details of cross-play being hashed out by devs & publishers on a per-game basis. Maybe we’ll get something definitive soon.

Will there be an Uncharted 4 upgrade for PS5?

PS5 downloads of all first-party PS4 games that will allow them to be played with multiple enhancements simultaneously instead of choosing just one

Mark Cerny all but confirmed this tidbit in his tech presentation, but the details were a little murky for those of us who aren’t fluent in computer engineering. There’s been a lot of talk about scalability this coming generation, and I would like to think that a thoughtful, forward-thinking console maker would have been planning for this for a while. After all, the PS4 Pro patches of Sony’s first-party games usually offered enhanced visuals, upscaled 4K, or 60fps. That means the games’ codes are written to allow for each of these enhancements to be possible. The PS4 Pro just wasn’t powerful enough to run them all simultaneously. But the PS5 will be more than capable of doing so, and I’m betting that it will. There’s no better way to ensure that you keep those 100+ million PS4 users on the ship than to guarantee that their existing library will be playable and better than ever on Day 1 with a PS5.

This was the one that was most near & dear to my heart, and I’m sad to say that I feel like an idiot for getting my hopes up. We haven’t really gotten any details on the specific enhancements provided when playing PS4 games from the PS5. 4K/60 for those 1st party PS4 titles? Enhanced draw distance for Horizon: Zero Dawn, God of War, and Days Gone? Who knows. All we know for sure is that these games will run on PS5 and be enhanced somehow. But we don’t have any idea what those enhancements are, which titles they’re available for, or exactly how the PS5’s BC tech works. Microsoft has been transparent about these things since they started pushing BC back in 2015, and it raised the stakes for Sony in that department. Unfortunately, Sony did not meet that bar or give us the impression that they had ever intended to do so.

It’s so cold in here. Somebody hold me.


At least one built from the ground-up for PS5 sequel of a major property during the launch window (release date Nov 2020 – Summer 2021): Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, or God of War

There are 3 first-party classics that Sony fielded this generation: Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, and Marvel’s Spider-Man. It’s yet to be determined if The Last of Us 2 and Ghosts of Tsushima can reach that status as well, but a sequel from those wouldn’t be expected anytime soon. With Horizon Zero Dawn being the oldest of those big 3, it just makes sense that PlayStation would make Aloy the face of the new console generation with a Spring/Summer 2021 release of a sequel. That would be 4 years, targeting a Spring release and allowing room to push until early Fall 2021. Since the game engine is already built, and assets may even be reusable (depending on what resolution the game was built in) that’s plenty of time for a sequel to have been brewing.

Cory Barlog already told the world he had more story to tell of the aged Kratos in God of War, so that could be on the table too. But I think Sony will keep that ace up their sleeve for a little later. Maybe a formal God of War 2 announcement by Spring 2021, but nothing more than that.

Hey, I finally got one! Kind of. Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a brand new adventure inside the same world we experienced in Marvel’s Spider-Man. All signs point to it not being a full length game so it doesn’t quite hit the mark here. But it is being touted as a native 4K game complete with ray tracing, which would be unique to the PS5, even if the foundations of the game were built on the PS4.

On the other hand, we’ve also gotten a confirmed Horizon: Zero Dawn sequel in Horizon: Forbidden West. And though we don’t have a confirmed release date, it’s been confirmed that its release target is 2021. That would put it tentatively within our prediction window of Spring to Summer of 2021. And just for good measure, we get a brand new Ratchet & Clank entry built completely on PS5 that’s currently slated for a 2020 release. And if I hadn’t already nailed it enough, we even got that God of War sequel announcement we were angling for. Sweet. One out of a million isn’t bad, I guess.


One PS5 prediction is a Demon Souls remake

Bluepoint remake of a classic PlayStation game or series

It’s been known for the last few years that Bluepoint Games, the developer behind PS4’s 2018 Shadow of Colossus remake, has been in the laboratory cooking up something nice for the next generation. Considering how phenomenal Shadow of the Colossus turned out, there is plenty of reason to be excited about what they might be up to. Sony has used the word “celebration” to describe the upcoming year leading to the release of the PS5. “Celebration” in corporate-speak translates loosely to “bragging on our success,” and I’m taking that loose translation and running with it. I’m thinking there’s a prized PlayStation game(s) from somewhere in the PS1 or PS2 lifecycle that hasn’t yet received a current remake or remaster, but it would shake the gaming world if it were to receive one.

While there are a few possibilities that would fit the bill and generate genuine excitement, a couple of titles make more sense than others. While a Bloodborne sequel has been heavily wished for by fans of the 2015 PS4 classic, FromSoftware already has a game in the works with Geroge R.R. Martin that would assuredly be taking up most of their time. And since that’s a new game and not a remaster, there’s no reason to believe that a Bloodborne sequel is what has kept Bluepoint busy of late.

Staying in the Soulsborne arena, a Demon’s Souls remaster has been whispered about in many circles. Even though I played and thoroughly enjoyed Demon’s Souls, it doesn’t have the cache to generate the excitement that you’d like to see going into a new console launch. This could very well be the surprise, and if so that’s great. But I think Sony is hinting at more with the term “celebrate.” It’s got to be something more significant…more classic…more than 1 game.

Imagine a Metal Gear Solid collection for PS5?

Three games. Three classic games, to be exact. Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, and 3. All PlayStation exclusive, all sorely in need of a remake and all made by the wonderfully peculiar master game director Hideo Kojima, whose 1st release from his baby Kojima Productions was just published in a joint venture with Sony. Konami has done all of nothing with the IP since vomiting out Metal Gear Survive in 2018, so I’m sure they would be thrilled to have Sony dump a duffle bag of cash on their desks for the rights to remake it exclusively for the PS5 on at least a timed exclusivity deal. It’s just too perfect not to hope for.

No other way to cut it, I was wrong about this one. It would have been nice to see Metal Gear Solid get the pristine remake that it deserves, but Bluepoint went with my Plan B and remade Demon’s Souls instead. I haven’t lost all hope, though, because Bluepoint should be freed up after the release of Demon’s Souls, right? Right?!?


Another ground-up remake of a classic PlayStation game or series

There’s something else Sony has up its sleeve that I’m sure will excite JRPG fans, similar to what Final Fantasy VII Remake did for the same crowd back in 2015. My first assumption is Square Enix since they’ve got so much history with Sony. The tricky thing about Square is that their catalog is too extensive to know which title it might be. And they’ve gone about the business of bleeding almost all their IPs dry with remasters on their own, so there’s no telling what IP they’ve saved that still has the oomph to make a splash announcement on PS5. But RPG/JRPG fans are always going to stick with PlayStation because that’s where they usually get fed, so I expect something groundbreaking in this arena. Chrono Trigger, anyone?

Since we didn’t get the Metal Gear Solid remake I was hoping for, Bluepoint’s Demon’s Souls remake falls squarely into this slot. Not the RPG I predicted, but still a big remake that will be available at launch, no less. The true beginning of the Souls/Borne genre was birthed on PS3 with the 2009 release of this cult classic. Newer fans to the genre will be able to experience the beginnings when the PS5 launches this November.


2-3 indie game announcements that will be exclusive to PS5

Indies are how Sony bridged the gap between the launch of the PS4 and the 1st party titles that really set them up for a successful stretch run this console generation. Studios like Housemarque and PixelJunk have previously kept Sony’s release calendar afloat by offering some offbeat games that diversify the catalog while not attempting to bear the weight of PlayStation’s usual single-player narrative offerings. Media Molecule already launched Dreams after a long beta, providing a whimsical, creative powerhouse of a title where you can literally do anything you want. And with the expected backward compatibility, Dreams will be waiting on PS5 for all to enjoy.

But I’m thinking there are a couple of additional indie games that will become beloved next generation before the big guns come back to the yard. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear about at least two of them before the PS5’s release in November 2020.

The indie content we were looking for was announced, and the games look fantastic. If only I hadn’t mentioned that the games would be PS5 exclusive, I’d be golden. Me and my big mouth.

Still, we get Returnal from House Marque,The Pathless from Giant Squid, and Goodbye Volcano High from KO_OP. Returnal will be PS5 exclusive, while The Pathless and Goodbye Volcano High will be PlayStation console exclusive with appearances on PS4 and PC as well.


Well, I whiffed on a lot of these predictions, but I can’t help but feel that Sony is who really missed the mark here. A true backward compatibility option for PS1-PS3, free and specific PS4 game enhancement, and bolstered PS+/PS Now value to rival Xbox Game Pass weren’t hard gets for Sony if they chose to prioritize them. Yet all these features are noticeably absent from their marketing just 2 months before the PS5’s launch. Instead, they’ve doubled down on exclusive content and thrown their weight behind pulling new gamers and converting Xbox users. This strategy has worked well for them for the past 7 years, so maybe they’ll be able to squeeze another 7 years of dominance out of it. I just can’t help but feel like they could have done more.

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