Movies Reviews Videos

Zack Snyder’s Justice League Review: Was Cyborg Vindicated?

It’s finally here. Zack Snyder’s original vision before Joss Whedon butchered it to filth has made its way to HBO Max. After an online campaign and actor Ray Fisher going full scourged-earth on Warner Bros., Zack Snyder’s Justice League was given the four-hour-long director’s-cut treatment.

Taking place immediately after the death of Superman, the five members of Justice League, bought together by Batman and Wonder Woman, realize they can’t save Earth without Superman. So they use one of the three Mother Boxes, the sources of infinite energy everyone is fighting to possess, to raise Clark Kent from the dead — helping to explain a plot that had no substance in the 2017 version.

With all of its improvements and remastered scenes was this a vindication for Snyder fans who worked diligently to get this version released. Was Zack Snyder’s epilogue worthy of fans rallying for a Part 2 and Part 3?

Zack Snyder's Justice League review: A satisfying, rewarding DC epic that is vastly superior to the original | Entertainment News,The Indian Express

As seen in the video above, we examine Zack Snyder’s vision to ask, “Was it worth it?”

Special Thanks: M. Collins, Mauricio Aguilar, himdeel, Fergus Mills, Miguel, Antonio Rogers, Wesley

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