Spanning thousands of years, Marvel Studios’ Eternals is an expansive story of the Earth’s oldest group of heroes, ten gifted Eternals who have been watching...
Shiri Appleby has been cast as Holly, the good-humored and down-to-earth assistant basketball coach, and Yvette Nicole Brown has been cast as Sherilyn, the no...
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, TT Games, The LEGO Group and Marvel Entertainment announced the launch of LEGO Marvel Collection for PS4 and the Xbox One....
Avengers: Endgame is just around the corner and while fans are counting down the days to greatness, Marvel has released a new, action-packed look at...
Yesterday, Marvel Studios released a new trailer and the official poster art for their upcoming Captain Marvel feature film. The trailer is conveniently embedded above...
It’s the movie before the Infinity War Part 2 storm that had people buzzing since its announcement. Marvel Studios and Walt Disney Pictures have released...
Marvel Studios announced that production has begun on Ant-Man and The Wasp, starring Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Michael Peña and Academy Award winner Michael Douglas, who all...
During San Diego Comic Con’s Marvel Games Lineup, Marvel announced Deadpool (with all of his katanas, SMGs, desert evil on his bak, shuriken and a toilet plunger) is...
Though Marvel Studios didn’t have a panel to discuss their movies at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, that didn’t mean movies with Marvel characters didn’t create...
Marvel Studios and Sony dropped a thermonuclear bomb at the stroke of midnight when they officially announced that Spider-Man will be coming to the Marvel...