In celebration of Valentine’s Day, Disney+ will offer its U.S. subscribers the delightful romantic comedy Rosaline, starring Kaitlyn Dever, Isabela Merced, Kyle Allen and Sean...
Vision Quest, a new Marvel Studios‘ series focusing on Paul Bettany’s iPhone superhero character, is in the works at Disney+. The series, along with Agatha:...
While She-Hulk episode 7 didn’t deliver the Daredevil cameo fans imagined it would, it did manage to deliver the unexpected by connecting to the MCU’s...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is turning to the dark side with Werewolf by Night, the new 53-minute movie dubbed a Marvel Studios Presentation is just...
On Monday night, Florence Pugh and Olivia Wilde both attended the world premiere of the drama Don’t Worry Daring at the Venice Film Festival. While Florence skipped the...
In Marvel Studios’ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the MCU unlocks the Multiverse and pushes its boundaries further than ever before. Journey into...
In Marvel Studios’ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the MCU unlocks the Multiverse and pushes its boundaries further than ever before. Journey into...