Vision Quest, a new Marvel Studios‘ series focusing on Paul Bettany’s iPhone superhero character, is in the works at Disney+. The series, along with Agatha:...
After confusing fans for seven episodes, it was finally revealed Kathryn Hahn is the mastermind behind WandaVision; both literally and figuratively. During the “Breaking the...
WandaVision has been an absolute blast to watch since it debuted on Disney+ last month. Our Entertainment Editor Dana Abercrombie conducted an awesome interview with Elizabeth Olsen recently...
WandaVision, the long-awaited MCU show kicking off Phase 4 has left its viewers speechless. While Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) seem happily settled...
“In Westview, Wanda stares at the version of Pietro from the X-Men films.” Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision’s (Paul Bettany) adventures through television have ripped...
“We’ve got something cooking and it’s looking good…” 1970s-style credits introduce Wanda and Vision’s current circumstances. says the theme music, as Wanda and Vision are...