Set in South Jamaica, Queens, in 1991, Power Book III: Raising Kanan precedes the events of the original Power series. This family drama revolves around...
The Power Universe is a massive hit at Starz with four successful Power shows under its belt, but could Starz expand the universe overseas. According to Deadline...
STARZ announced it is in development on Plan A written and executive produced by film and television writer-director Steven J. Kung (“Dear White People,” A...
STARZ today it is in development on Book of Marlon, a comedy inspired by actor-comedian Marlon Wayans’ life and career. Wayans will portray himself in...
STARZ announced it is in development on the highly anticipated prequel to its worldwide hit series Outlander that will be titled Outlander: Blood of My...
Blowing Money Fast Tells the Comprehensive Story of the Black Mafia Family that Inspired the “BMF” Scripted Series STARZ announced today its docuseries The BMF...
Power Book III: Raising Kanan Season 2 officially airs on Starz starting on Sunday, August 14th. After an outstanding and drama-filled first season, there will...