Two months after the unfortunate passing of the much beloved Satoru Iwata, Nintendo has named a new president. 65 year old Tatsumi Kimishima will now be in charge of the company, taking over for Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda who had been leading Nintendo for the past two months.
While Kimishima may not be a household name like his predecessor was, he has been in the video games industry and Nintendo for many years. He became the CFO of The Pokemon Company in December of 2000, and became the president of Nintendo of America in January 2002. He would then go on to be the CEO and chairman of Nintendo of America in 2006 when Reggie Fils-Aime took over as president of Nintendo of America.
Along with appointing Kimishima as the new Nintendo President, Nintendo also had others reassigned as well. Most notably, Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda who are now Creative Fellow and Technology Fellow (respectively). Nintendo describes a ‘fellow’ as “an individual selected from among the Representative Directors who has advanced knowledge and extensive experience, and holds the role of providing advice and guidance regarding organizational operations in a specialized area.”
What this means for Nintendo is unclear at the moment. The company is going through uncertain times, with its Wii U selling just over 10 million units worldwide since its launch in 2012, and the company heading into mobile gaming thanks to its deal with DeNA. Mister Kimishima has a lot of work cut out for him so we wish him good luck in his new position.
Source: Nintendo