Unlike a lot of people, I was a huge fan of DmC Devil May Cry when it was originally released. Ninja Theory took everything that worked in the original Devil May Cry series and ditched what didn’t in order to create a damn near perfect action game. Though it was successful, the hatred from long time fans kept this game from getting the recognition it deserved.
Thankfully, this title has been given a new chance at life with the current-gen DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition. This version takes an already great game and makes it even better by adding improvements to the combat system and visuals. It also has several new difficulty modes and settings which will please long time fans of the series who truly want their fighting prowess tested.

The first thing that will stick out to people is the fact that the game runs at 60 frames per second and of course at 1080p resolution. When I first started the game, the higher frame rate threw me off but after a while I didn’t seem to notice it. Going back to play the original game on PlayStation 3 however, helped illuminate the stark contrast between the two versions. While I’m usually the guy who tells folks that the whole 30fps vs 60fps debate is silly (and in the grand scheme of things it is), even I have to admit that it made a big difference here. This game looks absolutely gorgeous running at 60fps.
Playing the two versions back to back made me notice some of the re-balancing in this edition. Combos, dodging and countering attacks are much easier to pull off. I also noticed the Style System degraded much slower, thus allowing you to get S-ranks and above much easier. Enemies are somewhat smarter but they still have a tendency to just stand still most of the time. These adjustments don’t affect the game drastically, but the subtle changes do make for a better combat experience.

Some of the biggest changes to combat come with the newly added Turbo Mode and manual lock-on; both of which existed in the previous games. Turbo Mode makes the game run 20% faster. This new speed takes a bit of getting used to if you’re accustomed to the regular speed of the game, but once you get the hang of it, it’s a blast to play at such a manic pace. Though the game’s regular lock-on works well, it is nice to have a manual lock-on feature if you want to make sure your attacks hit the right target.
Many fans didn’t like that DmC was easier than previous entries. With that in mind, Ninja Theory went ahead and added a few new modes and features to satiate their masochistic desires. If you want to be truly challenged (or punished), these modes have been made especially for you.

Hardcore Mode can be enabled for all difficulties. This mode makes the game feel more like the original Devil May Cry games. The timing of certain attacks, combos and counters have been changed, the ranking system now degrades much faster, and Devil Trigger no longer launches enemies into the air. Even if you toggle this mode on in the easiest difficulty, you’ll notice how different this makes the game feel. I wouldn’t say it makes the game 100% like the old DMC‘s but it’s close enough.
In Must Style Mode, enemies can only receive damage when S-rank or above combos are done on them. This mode is perfect for those who love executing long, complex combos. Gods Must Die Mode ups the challenge level by making all enemies spawn in Devil Trigger mode and deal 2.5 times the regular damage. You’re also not allowed to use items to replenish your health or Devil Trigger.
If you crave the highest challenge, Hell and Hell difficulty is available for the truly deranged. In this difficulty enemies continue to take on normal damage. However if Dante is even hit once, he dies and you must start again from the last checkpoint.

Other features include all of the previously released DLCs, a Bloody Palace mode for Vergil in the Vergil’s Downfall DLC, the ability to turn the timer in Bloody Palace on and off, new skins for each character, and leaderboards.
All of these extra goodies are nice but they would be meaningless if this title weren’t any good. Replaying DmC made me realize just how incredible this game truly is. Yeah, the story can be crude at times, but it still manages to have heart and make you care for the characters. The environments are insanely imaginative and the levels themselves possess a great deal of variety, which keeps the game from ever becoming too stale. Ninja Theory are one of the most premiere studios out there. Their attention to detail and passion radiate from DmC —their finest game to date. Even without all the added bells and whistles, this is still a stand-out title.
While some remasters do little more than bump up the resolution and frame rate, this game does that and adds a slew of new features; some of which are specifically designed for long-time fans of the series, and a ton of content. These things and the re-balances to combat, help to make it a stronger experience than before. Considering that this game is only $39.99, it’s practically a steal.
Hopefully, people will forget the controversy that surrounded this game and give it an honest shot. DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition is hands down one of the very best action titles out there. A definite must buy for fans of the genre and those who like fun and exciting games.
This review of DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition is based off a digital copy for the PlayStation 4 which was provided by Capcom.