Smile 2 is out right now in theaters around the world. Described as a psychological supernatural horror film, the sequel revolves around pop star Skye...
Sandfall Interactive released a new trailer from their upcoming turn-based RPG Clair Obscur: Expedition 33. The latest trailer reveals the cast and confirms a targeted...
Neva was officially announced by Nomada Studio and Devolver Digital last year. Described as an emotionally gripping action-adventure game, Neva is the newest title from...
For ages, the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs have safeguarded humanity, preserving peace, balance, and harmony. However, as traditions evolved, their powers began to wane. To...
Today, GSC Game World and Xbox released a feature-length documentary titled War Game: The Making of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2. The 90-minute video embedded above follows the...