For ages, the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs have safeguarded humanity, preserving peace, balance, and harmony. However, as traditions evolved, their powers began to wane. To...
Kojima Productions and Sony Interactive Entertainment have released the final trailer for their upcoming Death Stranding Director’s Cut video game. The single-player action game is...
Fights in Tight Spaces from developer Ground Shatter is a turn-based, tactical deck-building fighting game. This formula could be best described as Super Hot meets...
Mafia: Trilogy definitely had a rather unorthodox launch back in July. The “Trilogy” only contained 2 of the 3 titles that being Mafia 2: Definitive...
For some, Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions is just another Inazuma anime soccer-style game while for others, it is just another Bandai Namco anime game....