Smile 2 is out right now in theaters around the world. Described as a psychological supernatural horror film, the sequel revolves around pop star Skye...
Paramount Pictures in partnership with Hollywood Confidential hosted a captivating event at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, shining a spotlight on the illustrious...
Paramount Pictures has released a pair of new Babylon trailers for Damien Chazelle’s all-star period dramedy, which is scheduled to make its debut this Friday, December 23....
The Lost City, Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum funniest comedy of 2022 (so far) will premiere on May 10th on Paramount+ in the United States and Canada. It will...
If they hear you, they hunt you. Silence is survival in these two terrifyingly suspenseful thrillers. Follow the Abbott family (Emily Blunt, John Krasinski, Millicent...
In Coming 2 America, three decades and three beautiful daughters later, Akeem prepares to take over the reigns of his homeland of Zamunda. As antiquated...
The much-anticipated Coming 2 America follows the ever-unfolding story of the Joffers, the royal family of the land of Zamunda. While the passage of time...