This summer, from the biggest global animated franchise in history, comes the origin story of how the world’s greatest supervillain first met his iconic Minions,...
Return to The Hunger Games, the landmark film franchise that has earned over $3 billion globally, with Lionsgate’s adaptation of Suzanne Collins’ #1 New York Times Bestseller The Ballad...
From Lucasfilm comes Obi-Wan Kenobi, the new limited Star Wars series created exclusively for Disney+. The series stars Ewan McGregor, reprising his role as the...
Continuing National Geographic’s legacy of pushing the unknown frontiers to deliver bold and powerful stories is Explorer: The Deepest Cave, which follows renowned cave explorer...
Ever since the animated comedy Bob’s Burgers debuted on FOX in January of 2011, the hilarious, heartwarming series has won over critics and audiences with...
Adult Swim, the leader in adult animation and #1 destination for young adults, announced the greenlight of two all-new anime series: Rick and Morty: The Anime from...
truTV, a Warner Bros. Discovery brand, has greenlit ten half-hour episodes of Semi Pro, a new formatted reality sitcom from Jersey Shore creator SallyAnn Salsano...
ELVIS is an epic, big-screen spectacle from Warner Bros. Pictures and visionary, Oscar-nominated filmmaker Baz Luhrmann that explores the life and music of Elvis Presley,...