The second season of Marvel’s Luke Cage provided for a multitude of shocking moments, twist endings and a juicy Jamaican villain. After last year brought...
If the female protagonist in Detroit: Become Human looks familiar, it’s because you’ve seen her before. “Kara” was shown off as a PlayStation 3 tech demo back...
Recently, Marvel has accomplished the unthinkable, they suck. Marvel’s Iron Fist was a disaster of Scott Buck proportions which only became worse when he decided...
Earlier today, Netflix confirmed via their Twitter account that Marvel’s highly anticipated Iron Fist show will begin streaming worldwide on March 17th, 2017. This tweet includes...
Nintendo has decided to get in on the “Let’s Play” and review phenomenon occurring on YouTube by instituting new draconian policies on content creators. As...
Delta Force (formerly Delta Force: Hawk Ops) was originally announced at Gamescom 2023. Developed by Team Jade and published by TiMi Studio Group, this free-to-play...
Ghost of Tsushima will launch exclusively for PlayStation 4 in Summer 2020, publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment and developer Sucker Punch Productions announced at The Game...